Survey says Donald Trump would make best Santa – and we’re not joking – SaintPetersBlog

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Survey says Donald Trump would make best Santa – and we’re not joking

in 2017/Top Headlines by

Of all the presidential candidates Americans think Donald Trump would make the best Santa. That’s according to a semi-scientific poll that, for some reason, asked participants which presidential hopeful would make the best Good Ole St. Nick.

Trump commanded the poll with 23 percent of people indicating he’d make the best Santa. Nevermind Trump just demanded CNN pay him $5 million to participate in a presidential debate, he’s clearly the most fit to be the world’s biggest giver of gifts.

Maybe people thought Trump fit the bill because he’s the most likely to mutter the words, “HO HO HO” in a real life setting?

Trump likely won this meaningless little race because 54 percent of the respondents in the Ebates survey indicated they based their pick on who would be the most generous.

Sure, Trump has a lot of money — like HUUUUUUUUGE amounts — as he loves to point out over and over. And over and over. And over. You get the point. But does that necessarily mean he’s willing to give it up? My guess is no considering his hatred of literally anyone who isn’t him.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that Bernie Sanders came in second as best Santa. First of all, he actually has white hair. Second of all, he’s a socialist, right? Those dudes love to give sh*t away!

Hillary Clinton was voted at the bottom of the list as best Santa. While the study (if you can call something this ridiculous that) doesn’t specifically mention it, my guess is it’s because she’s, you know, not a dude. The Democratic front-runner, however, was ranked as second most generous behind (sigh) Trump.

This little exercise in nonsense begs several questions, the top of which is, what in the living hell is wrong with people?

First, who thought this was a good use of money. Does anyone give an actual flying you know what which presidential candidate would make a good Santa? And Donald Trump people. Really? That’s basically an unspoken statement that Santa is actually a real a$$hat.

If Donald Trump makes the best Santa than kids should expect the jolly fat guy to come barreling down the chimney making fun of disabled people, women, immigrants, people from other countries and basically, everyone. They should expect him also to proclaim something about China at least three times and then build a wall around their house and send the bill to the family.

Merry effing Christmas, peasants.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go wall off my own chimney so Donald Trump doesn’t come down it later this month with Hitler-inspired musings about requiring Muslims to carry special IDs.

This survey was conducted online within the United States by on behalf of in October 2015 among 1,128 adults ages 18 and older and 516 teens ages 13-16. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated

Janelle Irwin has been a professional journalist covering local news and politics in the Tampa Bay area since 2003. She also hosts a weekly political talk show on WMNF Community radio. Janelle formerly served as the sole staff reporter for WMNF News and previously covered news for and various local neighborhood newsletters. Her work has been featured in the New York Daily News, Free Speech Radio News and Florida Public Radio and she's been interviewed by radio stations across the nation for her coverage of the 2012 Republican National Convention. Janelle is a diehard news junkie who isn't afraid to take on big names in local politics including Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, the dirty business of trash and recycling in St. Pete and the ongoing Pier debacle. Her work as a reporter and radio host has earned her two WMNF awards including News Volunteer of the Year and Public Affairs Volunteer of the Year. Janelle is also the devoted mother to three brilliant and beautiful daughters who are a constant source of inspiration and occasional blogging fodder. To contact, email

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